Two Mountain Valley pipeline protesters lock themselves in construction equipment



LINSIDE, WV (WVNS) – Protesters at Two Mountain Valley Pipeline locked themselves in equipment on Tuesday at a pipeline site in Monroe County.

According to a statement from Appalachians Against Pipelines, two Mountain Valley Pipeline protesters locked themselves in construction equipment at the construction pipeline site in Lindside. A rally of supporters has formed nearby.

Protester locked to equipment

One of the protesters said: “A better world is not only possible, it is necessary. As of this writing, forest fires are raging and major cities are recovering from unprecedented flooding. We are not running out of time to tackle global climate change, we are already out of it. We are out of time for “transition fossil fuels”. We have run out of time for ecological washing by mining companies. We no longer have time for a licensing process that qualifies projects that will increase gas consumption by two billion cubic feet per day as “carbon neutral”.

Protester locked to equipment

On Friday August 6, 2021, two people were charged with trespassing on property, obstructing an officer and conspiring to lock themselves in drilling equipment at the Mountain Valley pipeline construction site in the Dawson City area of ​​Greenbrier County.

Stay with 59News as the story continues to develop.


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